Online Collaboration is the starting point for CO-LAB Editions work development.
Artists can start collaborating from their home countries by posting visual material, that can be important for the development of the work. 
"Pants Konzepte" Started with an exchange of Landscapes: From Berlin to Cameroon and From Cameroon to Berlin.

Antoni Karwowski (PL) and Márcio Carvalho (PT)

On Memory - summary
End of Phase 1 - 15 july to 31st July
Collaboration through blog structure
From Berlin to Szczecin (From Márcio to Antoni)
From Szczecin to Berlin (From Antoni to Márcio)

Antoni arrives tomorrow in Hbf, Berlin at 11:26am.
Start Phase 2 - 1 August to 7 August

On Memory 23 30 July 2011
From Antoni to Márcio 
Body - Performance space

The body is not just a means of expression, a tool, a simple source of information. It is a physical and mental reality processing past experiences throughout its actions. Its activity in space includes elements of a signal – sign – message and also auto-expression.
The gesture rooted within the body exposes its weaknesses and possibilities, which translates into the effect of surprise and a unexpected change, what often decides about the reception’s intensity.

Performance space:
It is the perfect structure, passionate, allowing me to create beings which do not need to pretend anything and are not governed by any criteria except for one - the criterion of personal perspective.
Performance allows me to create a fascinating game with time. It gives the feeling of capturing it and “influencing” the course of past events, modifying them, reversing, detaching  them from their archetype, building new configurations and transferring them into real space. This multidimensionality gives me the feeling of functioning simultaneously in the past and present.
The most important part of this space is the “source memory,” it is my starting point, the
creative impulse allowing me to find the place, time and form determined by the initial idea, intuition, and the biologism of the body.

On Memory 22 29 July 2011
From Márcio to Antoni
Still there - Perpective on being

Places I have been, behaviours I have experienced brought me questions about social forms of live around me. By visiting the "different" I became more conscious about my own culture.

Memory of places and its surroundings marked my thinking. Today I continue observing live influenced by those people and places.

How to see if a rock is magic, engaging with religion, understanding evil, a coral that make me mortal, selling fruit in the beach, understanding what is to be in the other side, magic is real, understanding the value of nothing and the value of nature.

On Memory 21 27 July 2011
From Antoni to Márcio 
Perpective of sound

Inner space:
Every single feeling, desire, impression which does not entail a moment of action is contained within the area of thought. Its my “primordial space” and its exploration will determine the later shape of a performance.
I am interested in this process, in experiencing all possible stages and in all possible aspects.
As material: after-images, micro-traces and shadows of events, trauma, signals, felt, heard, touched, accompany me throughout the project’s “ripening” process.

Perspective of sound:
Rattle of sewing machine, creaking floors in the kitchen when grandfather preparing breakfast, the sound of church bells, crunch skull killing horse, splash of water after boat, rhythmic impact blacksmith's hammer, the rattle of horse-carts going through the streets, howling fire-siren, flat calm in the mining tunnel, 800 meters underground.

On Memory 20 27 July 2011
From Márcio to Antoni
Predicting the future

Working with memories does not only mean to remember past events. Memory creates documents that are able to predict or help to decide future actions. This fact is very relevant to think my present artistic practice.

This set of 3 photos was taken for a specific performance, in the festival HOME SWEET HOME, Berlin. My performance reflected about the memory of the house.
I took this set of 3 photos and sent it inside a letter to myself. This letter was opened in the moment of the performance.

 Memories are documents that can influence or create my future. By opening the letter, with the photos, I was influencing my present condition and the condition of others, inside the performance presentation.

On Memory 19 26 July 2011
From Antoni to Márcio
Perpective of smell


I ask questions about identity because I see the danger of it blurring in my surrounding reality, as a result of “memory decay.”

Creating new performance situations, I try to recall, from my inner self, fragments of situations that are already non-existant, traces of emotions, remembered pictures, sounds, words, smells. I place them within a space I form myself, where, described anew by means of chosen gestures-symbols, rituals, they gain more universal values.
It is in the past that I see answers to many current questions.
The past is the source of my behaviour.
The past holds the archetypes of my language / language of art.

Perspective of smell:
smell of garlic, wormwood
smell of burnt sulfur
smell warm pig entrails, killed in late autumn, just before Christmas
smell warm milk, which I drank directly from bucket
sickly smell candles by the coffin neighbor
smell candy-floss before the church, in St Anthony day
smell moldy books that I found in the cellar - several thousand volumes of moldy books!!!

On Memory 18 25 July 2011
From Márcio to Antoni
Oedipus complex

I am, being who I was:
In my past there are important, crucial events and trivial events. Both of this cathegories of memories are important for my artistic practice of understanding how do I create my equation of live.
Whenever I try to relate my artistic work with these past events they become different, creating a present presence. Somethimes I almost can predict future events.

On Memory 17 24 July 2011
From Antoni to Márcio
Perpective of touch

I am interested in areas / situations, showing the human condition reduced to elementary / universal value.
I try to touch the archetypes.

Perspective of touch:
white sheets laid on the river stones, ashes - burned grass, lead,
heated by the sun - streets made of stone, warm bowels from a death animal, texture and pleasantly cool bricks of Jewish houses in summer,
fish alive in my hand.

2nd ROUND - First Materials



On Memory 16 23 July 2011
TASK 2: Response on Antoni's Memory
From Márcio to Antoni

On Memory 15 21 July 2011
TASK 2: From Antoni to Márcio
To produce work about Antoni's Memory 

Hot summer, July 1956 maybe 1957.
I was with Romek, a friend of mine, we found a mortar shell ( from the second world war).
We dragged it, with a string, on cobbled streets throughout the city. Everyone runned away from us in panic, even my grandfather. We felt very proud of this, until came running my father and gave me a serious punishment.

On Memory 14 20 July 2011
Video: Corn field
From Márcio to Antoni

On Memory 13 20 July 2011
TASK 1: Response on Márcio's Memory
From Antoni to Márcio

On Memory 12 20 July 2011
TASK 1: From Márcio to Antoni
To produce work about Márcio's Memory

My oldest memory: I was 3 years old. Me and my family were living in the countryside.

I was in my bed sleeping, there was the typicall smell from the room, smelled like my parents and their things, i could sense as well the smell of medicine pills. When I was sleeping I had this vision/dream of a skull in front of my eyes. The memory I have from it informes me that i saw this skull whenever I had my eyes open already. I cryed a lot and my parents let me sleep with them.

On Memory 11 19 July 2011
Video: "milk is nothing more than perfectly digested blood"
From Antoni to Márcio

On Memory 10 19 July 2011
Video: Still There (between places)
From Márcio to Antoni

On Memory 9 18 July 2011
Audio: Sound of frogs on the Biebrza river
From Antoni to Márcio

On Memory 8 18 July 2011
Video: Primary School Blackboard
From Márcio to Antoni

On Memory 7 18 July 2011
Audio: My grandfather sewing machine
From Antoni to Márcio

On Memory 6 17 July 2011
Photo: When memory applies
From Márcio to Antoni

When memory applies
On one side (left) there is a Polaroid photo from Antoni Karwowski that I took, 2 months ago, when I was in Szczecin, Poland. In the other side there is a Polaroid photo of me holding in my face a printed picture of my father.
The 2nd Polaroid (on the right side) was taken as well 2 months ago in Szczecin, Poland. The picture from my father was taken 3 years ago in Lagos, Portugal.

Working with memory means to let be influenced by time and all kind of happenings that surround it, in a constant crossing between archives of memory.
What comes from it can go beyond memory to become Present or even Future.

On Memory 5 17 July 2011
Video: Self Portrait
From Antoni to Márcio

On Memory 4 16 July 2011
Photo: From my father to me
From Márcio to Antoni


On Memory 3 16 July 2011
Photo: Family home
From Antoni to Márcio

Standing in front of the house, my grandfather with his wife (sitting), the little girl on the left is my mother, over her brother, a woman on the right do not know.

I remember very well the smells and sounds of home - dried fish, garlic, wormwood and other herbs, smell of the kerosene lamp, smell pressed iron cloth, sewing machines rattle and singing grandfather.

The smells and sounds generate concrete images, which are very strongly linked to the concrete people and objects. Sometimes I use them in the process of creation.

On Memory 2 15 July 2011
Sound: From my mother to me
From Márcio to Antoni

Which memories are mine, and which ones are re-created by me? I am interested in the borderline between shared stories by my parents and the capacity, during my life, of creating images that allow me to re-invent these same stories and assuming them as my memories. As artist, the conscience of this fact make me think that this can be a process for creating my self inside my work, based on my past and on memories of people that surround me. 

On Memory 1 15 July 2011
City: Goniadz
From Antoni to Márcio

City ​​- Goniadz is built on the eye plan.
The upper eyelid is a Biebrza river, the lower eyelid is a brook and the road.
The perspective of the eye (the city) is my perspective.

1st ROUND - Get to know more